Monday, April 25, 2016

Cleaning A Two Cycle Carburetor

OK, it’s time to blow off any dirt or other debris from the outside of the carburetor, being careful not to allow it into the throttle body in the process. Brush any stubborn dirt off with a soft bristle parts brush, you can also use a solvent like carburetor or choke cleaner or brake cleaning solvent to make the job easier.
Then, remove the screw from the diaphragm cover plate and pry the cover off, while being careful not to deform the metal housing or damaging the gasket. You can now ease the edge of the diaphragm up a little to look for dirt or debris underneath it in the fuel channels and the small reservoir. If debris is visible, use canned compressed air to blow it out. And using solvent to dissolve any gum or varnish only if needed.
Re-install the cover plate when you are satisfied the area underneath the diaphragm is clear. However, for carburetors that have a large, visible build up of varnish or gum underneath the diaphragm, you may have to remove it completely, but in this case, you will probably need to buy a rebuild kit with new parts, as damage to the diaphragm is likely to occur while removing it.
Next, remove the carburetor base to access the internal screen (or fuel filter). Again, remove the four screws, and pry the cover gently off of the carburetor. If you damage the gasket, you will need to purchase a replacement, so be careful. Look into the larger hole near where the main fuel supply line connects to the carburetor. If you see varnish buildup or trash in the screen, use a solvent (carburetor or choke cleaner) to dissolve it. For heavy buildup, you may need to fill a small, clean solvent proof container with solvent and soak the complete assembly for a short time to dissolve it.
Also, it is necessary to use a tube applicator on your aerosol can of solvent to blow out the ports the the carburetor housing. You can as well spray solvent through the tubes where the fuel lines connect to the housing. Then, blow out the excess solvent and any remaining debris from the carburetor housing and ports with compressed air, and inspect the whole assembly to make sure it is spotlessly clean.
Well, after everything have done, reassemble the cover, and you must make sure all of the screws are tightened snugly. And then, re-install the carburetor by reversing the removal steps found earlier in the article. Finally, never forget to test run the engine before you turn to practical use.learn more to

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