Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to Solve Carburetor Float Problem

It can always occur in our life that you are driving along just fine and suddenly, your exhaust system begins to belch black smoke. When you turn off the engine and look under the hood, you find fuel dripping from the carburetor throat. In practice, this problem may be caused by a stuck carburetor float. Fortunately, you can take steps to get the carburetor working again temporarily, until you can open up the carburetor and fix the float permanently.
If your are on the road, then, you must need a temporary repair to drive your vehicle again.
Open the hood and locate the carburetor body. Tap the top of the carburetor gently but firmly with a small hammer or screwdriver handle. Tap the bowl of the carburetor firmly. This may loosen a stuck float valve, allowing the float to work properly until you can fix the problem permanently.
Remove the drain plug at the bottom of the carburetor bowl with a wrench or a pair of locking pliers if the problem persists. Place a pan under the carburetor to catch the draining fuel. The pressure of the fuel flowing through the carburetor should free the float.
Remove the drain plug in the carburetor throat. Spray carburetor cleaner into the throat and let it drip out of the carburetor bowl drain with the fuel. The carburetor cleaner will dissolve dirt and deposits blocking the float's movement or clogging the float needle.
Replace the drain plugs. If the carburetor was flooded, let the vehicle sit for an hour or two before starting it.
Are you felicitating that you have already solved the problem yet? Actually, you are too early to be cheerful. You just temporarily resolved the problem, and if you do not get further repair, it will occur again sooner or later. So, when driven home, make a permanent repair of your carburetor float.
Turn off the flow of fuel to the carburetor by closing a valve or clamping the line with vise grips. Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
Remove the drain plug on the carburetor bowl and let the fuel drain into a container. Loosen the bolts holding the carburetor bowl to the carburetor body. Remove the bowl, exposing the carburetor float.
Place the point of a pick or very small Phillips screwdriver against the edge of the pin holding the hinges of the carburetor float. Tap the pick or screwdriver gently with a small hammer to push the end of the pin free. Grasp the end of the pin with a pair of pliers and carefully pull it lose from the float's hinges. Remove the float. Check that the needle valve is sitting in the notch on the float. If it's not with the float, retrieve it from the needle seat. Inspect the needle valve for wear and replace it if necessary.
Spray the float, pin and needle valve liberally with carburetor cleaner and scrub them with a toothbrush or lint-free cloth. Clean the valve seat with a cotton swab soaked with carburetor cleaner. Examine the float for holes or other damage and replace it if necessary.
Place the needle valve in the notch on the float and position the float correctly against the carburetor body. Replace the pin that holds the float hinge together and tap it carefully into place with the hammer.
Check the gasket on the carburetor bowl and replace it if necessary. Put the bowl on the motorcycle carburetor body and tighten the bolts that hold it in position. Restart the flow of fuel to the carburetor and check for leaks. Reconnect the battery.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Carburetor Needle Valve Adjustment

 You know, mechanical slide and constant velocity carburetors used on motorcycles use a needle valve to control fuel flow through the main jet. The tapered needle is fastened in the slider portion of the upper carburetor and it slides down into the main fuel tube. And the taper on the needle determines how much fuel can be drawn into the intake stream. The needle position corresponds to throttle setting, all the way into the tube for idle, and sliding most of the way out of the tube for wide-open throttle. Carburetor needles may be adjusted to lean out the main fuel circuit, or make it more rich. In general, raising the needle in the slider will make the air and fuel mixture more rich, while lowering the needle will lean it out.
To adjust carburetor needle valve, you should first get mechanic's tools and needle-nose pliers on hand. Only with good tools, can you do a perfect work.
Then, the first step is to remove the top of the carburetor. Turn the carburetor top mounting bolts counterclockwise until they are removed, then lift the top and slider from the carburetor body.
Next, remove the needle retainer from the slider. Push the needle up into and then out of the slider. Remove the locator clip on the needle with the pliers. And replace the locator clip in a lower slot to raise the needle and make the mixture more rich, or in a higher slot to lower the needle and lean the mixture out.
Then, re-install the needle in the slider and replace the retainer clip. Guide the needle and slider back into the carburetor body, ensuring that the needle slides easily into the main fuel tube. Re-install and tighten the carburetor top cap bolts to factory specifications for your make and model of bike.
Finally, test run the engine. Sneezing and popping back through the carburetor at high RPMs indicates a lean mixture and too low a setting on the needle. While excessive black smoke in the exhaust indicates a rich mixture and too high a needle setting. If these are the situations, you then need to repeat the steps to correct the needle position.
What is more, when adjusting needle valve, you have to always keep warning that the needle is a fairly delicate piece of metal, so you must take care to not bend or change the shape of the needle in any way. will show you more information.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Components of A Motorcycle Carburetor

Generally speaking, if the engine is considered the heart of a car, then the carburetor is the soul of the engine. The carburetor is responsible for supplying the right mix of vaporized fuel and air to make the engine work. It is a driver's direct link to the internal combustion engine: Push on the gas pedal and it is the carburetor's job to make the car go faster. Conversely, carburetors can be adjusted if a car is not getting enough power.
Basically, a carburetor system works on three basic principles: metering the correct proportion of fuel and air, atomization of the fuel into a vapor, and the distribution of a uniform mixture of both fuel and air into the engine. Then, when fuel reaches the carburetor, it flows through the fuel supply pipe and into a float bowl. Fuel then flows through the fuel jet into the other side of the carburetor. This side includes an air entry point, also known as the barrel or throat at which there is an air filter, a Venturi pipe, a tube which varies in width and the throttle valve.
Well, the term "float system" is used to describe a typical carburetor's operation. Fuel flows through the inlet fitting and through a seat, then pass the end of the needle and into the float bowl. The needle is important because as the bowl fills up, the float pushes the needle into the needle seat, cutting off the fuel. As a result, the fuel stays constant.
The fuel jet is also called the main nozzle. The metering jet, a calibrated opening on the bottom of the float bowl, determines the amount of fuel that will move into the engine. The metering jet opens into a main well which contains air bleeds and baffles that turn the fuel into a vapor as it moves up the main nozzle in a vacuum process, and into the Venturi pipe.
The Venturi pipe is so named because it operates on the Venturi effect. A vacuum is created in the pipe based on how much air is rushing through the carburetor's air entry. The narrow main nozzle moves the fuel into the Venturi pipe by means of low pressure which pulls it out of the nozzle. This spray is then pushed toward the throttle valve.
Commonly, the throttle valve is placed between the spray and the inlet pipe which leads to the engine. There are two types of throttle valves: the butterfly, which is a circular disc and the cylindrical which is as large as the inlet pipe and rotates. The throttle is controlled by the accelerator, with cables or rods attached to the throttle by a lever. Although the accelerator controls the engine speed, variations made to the throttle valve can be made to enhance a car's performance.
At present, there are several different types, configurations, and manufacturers of carburetors available based on what kind of performance is needed. Different configuration variations include two and four barrel types for more airflow, accelerator pumps, high-flow needles and vacuum secondary diaphragms, just to name a few.Get more gas pipe information to

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Properly Clean A Carburetor

How to clean a motorcycle carburetor? Most people may think this is a difficult work, however, it is not true. In fact, as long as you grasp a few important principles and basic cleaning steps, can you do a perfect carburetor cleaning job. Well, this paper will tell you how to properly clean your carburetor.
Generally, the first step is to remove the carburetor from the vehicle and drain most if not all the fuel from it, you can also remove the fuel lines and vent lines at this time. Then, flip over the carburetor and remove the bowl, which is attached to the carburetor with usually 3 or 4 Phillips screws on the bottom. Once removed, you can now see the internals of your carburetor. If the inside of the bowl is dirty, you know that you carburetor inside are likely to be as well.
Now that you are inside the carburetor, you can remove the float. It is held in by the pin, that can be pushed through and the float will lift out. You can see at this point if the float isn't moving freely, you could have a sticky float resulting in excessive flooding of the engine. So make sure this is working freely on re-install.
Well, it’s time to clean out your jets. First you can remove the high speed jet (the one with the slot on top). It is removed with a flat screwdriver. Once removed you can look at it against a light and see if it is clogged or not. If this is you can soak it for a minute in engine degreaser and then hit it with compressed air to blast out the debris. This may need to be done a few times until fully clear of dirt. Once cleaned, re-install it and make sure not to tighten excessively. The next is the main jet. It is usually the one sticking up higher, and usually a hex headed 1/4" brass jet. You need turn it out of the carburetor and inspect for a clogged passage. The same as the high speed jet, you can soak it in degreaser and blast it with compressed air as well. Repeat that to make sure it is cleaned right out. Look down the passage where the main jet came from and blast air down to clean it out as well. Now you can re-install the main jet.
Check now to make sure your choke lever and butterfly are working properly and not sticking or hesitant. Remove linkage and lubricate to help in ease of operation. Clean intake of the carburetor so no debris gets into the engine.
Then, you can blow the compressed air through all passageways in the carburetor to make sure no more clogs are in there. Do all the jets, intake ports, idle ports, overflow ports and where ever you can blow the air. Blow the whole carburetor out to loosen and remove all the tiny particles of debris.
OK, the internals have been all cleaned out, you can now clean out the bowl and underside of the carburetor to make sure no more dirt gets back through your freshly cleaned carburetor. You can soak the bowl in some degreaser to loosen some stuck on dirt. Be sure to wipe and clean all dirt at this stage so that no more gets inside. This will later help in less problems with clogged up internals.
And now, re-install the float and pin. In this stage, you should spray a little lubrication on the pin and where it meets the float will help so much. Push the pin through the post coming from the carburetor and through the float mount and back through the other side post. No need to fasten it there because once the bowl is installed it will hold it all together.
If you have done all these, you can re-install your bowl and fasten it with three Phillips screws, make sure not to over tighten and strip these. Once re-installed, check final operation of the choke and blow last bits of dirt away. You can also hear the float moving if you shake it easily. And once all cleaned, you can install your fuel lines and vent hoses. Then, you have done the cleaning.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cleaning A Two Cycle Carburetor

OK, it’s time to blow off any dirt or other debris from the outside of the carburetor, being careful not to allow it into the throttle body in the process. Brush any stubborn dirt off with a soft bristle parts brush, you can also use a solvent like carburetor or choke cleaner or brake cleaning solvent to make the job easier.
Then, remove the screw from the diaphragm cover plate and pry the cover off, while being careful not to deform the metal housing or damaging the gasket. You can now ease the edge of the diaphragm up a little to look for dirt or debris underneath it in the fuel channels and the small reservoir. If debris is visible, use canned compressed air to blow it out. And using solvent to dissolve any gum or varnish only if needed.
Re-install the cover plate when you are satisfied the area underneath the diaphragm is clear. However, for carburetors that have a large, visible build up of varnish or gum underneath the diaphragm, you may have to remove it completely, but in this case, you will probably need to buy a rebuild kit with new parts, as damage to the diaphragm is likely to occur while removing it.
Next, remove the carburetor base to access the internal screen (or fuel filter). Again, remove the four screws, and pry the cover gently off of the carburetor. If you damage the gasket, you will need to purchase a replacement, so be careful. Look into the larger hole near where the main fuel supply line connects to the carburetor. If you see varnish buildup or trash in the screen, use a solvent (carburetor or choke cleaner) to dissolve it. For heavy buildup, you may need to fill a small, clean solvent proof container with solvent and soak the complete assembly for a short time to dissolve it.
Also, it is necessary to use a tube applicator on your aerosol can of solvent to blow out the ports the the carburetor housing. You can as well spray solvent through the tubes where the fuel lines connect to the housing. Then, blow out the excess solvent and any remaining debris from the carburetor housing and ports with compressed air, and inspect the whole assembly to make sure it is spotlessly clean.
Well, after everything have done, reassemble the cover, and you must make sure all of the screws are tightened snugly. And then, re-install the carburetor by reversing the removal steps found earlier in the article. Finally, never forget to test run the engine before you turn to practical use.learn more to

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Cleaning A Two Cycle Carburetor

Generally, two cycle engines like string trimmers and leaf blowers are simple and light weight power devices that normally give good service with a minimum of maintenance. However, ethanol blended fuels, contaminated gasoline, and poor fuel storage can result in a dirty carburetor, and then make them difficult to start and almost impossible to keep running. Well, fortunately, here are some steps to help you clean your two cycle engine's carburetor if the need should arise.
Firstly, it is important to make sure you have a clean, well lit work area and some proper tools before you begin. Because these devices have small fasteners and parts which must be kept clean and safe while you work on them, and some have special fasteners that are difficult to remove without the right tools.
Then, when the preparation is done, it’s time to begin cleaning the carburetor. The first step is to brush or use compressed air to clean the outside of the engine and the air cleaner housing. This will make it easier to keep the internal parts of the carburetor clean while disassembling it.
Next, remove the air cleaner housing. It may be attached with clips or screws, you should be able to locate them by inspecting the housing visually. If you cannot remove the housing on the engine you are working on, you’d better consult the owner's manual or search specific information online.
And then, remove the fasteners that hold the carburetor onto the engine. There are usually two threaded studs with nuts and washers that serve this purpose. Be careful not to drop these nuts in an inaccessible location beneath the powerhead.
Now, disconnect the throttle and choke linkages from the carburetor, and remember to note how they fasten and where each one is attached. Besides, if there is a spring clamp, be sure that you do not overstretch it while removing it.
Go on, remove the fuel lines from the nipples connecting them to the carburetor housing. You can usually grip them gently with needle nose pliers and work them free. If clamps are used to attach them, remove the clamps prior to trying to remove the fuel lines.
Pull the motorcycle carburetor off of the mounting studs, being careful not to damage the gasket that seals the carburetor throat to the engine. Again, note the position of the carburetor, most are symmetrical, so they can be re-installed upside down, and the aforementioned linkages and fuel lines will not fit if that is the case.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How to Select Zjautoparts Power Washer Nozzle

As with all spray nozzles there is often a bewildering array of products on the market with different flow rates, spray angles and design types. Often expert advice will be required to make the final selection but prior to calling an expert supplier its is best to consider the following
Black Nozzle: Uses a wider spray and lower PSI for soap application.
zjautoparts offers several nozzles for use with your pressure washer, giving you a choice of spray angles and pressures that work best for your cleaning task.
Degrees of washing:
0° Red Nozzle: Used for blasting hard to clean items such as caked mud, tar, glue, stubborn stains and much more.
15° Yellow Nozzle: Used for paint preparation, removing dirt from construction or farm equipment, removing growth from boats and marine equipment, etc.
25° Green Nozzle: Used for standard cleaning/washing to remove general mud, dirt and grime from surfaces.
40° White Nozzle: Used for light cleaning and rinsing of automobiles, boats, roofs, windows etc.
Nozzle selection
Are there any constraints on the materials of construction?
Nozzles can be made in many different materials but not all types can be made from all materials. So, for example, if spraying at high temperatures plastic nozzles may not be suitable.
What flow rate is required?
The nozzle supplier you select will need to understand how much fluid you are looking to deliver per minute in order to select a suitable nozzle. If flow rates are very low then this may necessitate the use of air atomising nozzles which means as compressed air supply will be required in the system.
Are there any space constraints?
A flat fan need space to spread out. If there is very limited space between the feed pipe and the target then this may necessitate wide angle spraying or deflection type nozzles.
Is the environment cause blockages?
This may well affect the choice of nozzle. Elliptical orifice nozzle are cheap and easy to maintain but they are the most prone to clog and block. It may be a false economy to go with the basic option if clogging is likely. A good nozzle supplier will be able to advise accordingly.
How viscous is the fluid?
The spray angles and atomisation statistics given in nozzle brochures will be for spraying water. For more viscous fluids the angles produced will generally be lower and so may need to be compensated for. A quality nozzle supplier will have software that will calculate this difference but they will need to know the specific gravity and viscosity of the fluid in order to make the calculations for you.
Ask the experts
There are many flat fan nozzles on the market so if there is any uncertainty it's probably best to consult with a quality manufacturer. As the spray nozzle business is fairly niche it is likely that a good supplier will be able to deal in small quantities so buying directly from the manufacturer in quantities of 1's or 2's is not uncommon.
Come visit us to see our recommended products. Power Washer Nozzles

Monday, April 18, 2016

Cleaning and Rebuilding A Carburetor

As a matter of fact, every model carburetor parts is slightly different, but the basic principles apply to all. Therefore, if you want to clean or rebuild a carburetor, you just meed to know that basic steps. After all, the specific maintenance of carburetor can be done by professionals.
With this issue we begin a series on making the fine adjustments so that a carburetor will operate at its optimum ability. But before any adjustments can be made, problems have to be solved, and that includes locating and sealing air and vacuum leaks anywhere in the engine, and cleaning the carburetor thoroughly, replacing damaged or questionable parts, and re-installing the carburetor on the car.
If the car shows symptoms of poor idling, hesitant acceleration, stalling, lack of power, rough running or backfiring, the problem must be isolated and corrected. Begin with the electrical system. Check the wires, the points, the grounds, the condenser, the distributor cap and the spark plugs to be sure that all parts are in good condition and performing as expected. Often an electrical problem will manifest itself in a way similar to a fuel problem. When you are assured that all is well with the electrical, move on to the fuel.
First thing to check is that whether there is an uninterrupted supply of gasoline to the carburetor. Irregular or interrupted fuel delivery can be caused by a clogged pick-up filter within the gas tank, a plugged or dirty in-line or in-carburetor filter, a crimped fuel line, a defective or leaking fuel pump, a leak at the vacuum tank, or even an empty, or near empty fuel tank.
Check the entire engine for vacuum leaks. An open vacuum line, such as a cracked line, a line plug that has come loose, or a disconnected line, can all allow air to enter the engine and cause a lean condition. You can often locate vacuum leaks by sound a ‘whooshing’ sound or by selectively spraying engine starting fluid or brake cleaner around the suspected leak. Pay attention, and don’t neglect the intake manifold gasket, the carburetor base, and joints between sections of the carburetor and the windshield wiper line.
Next, check and tighten the lines and screws on the vacuum tank. Follow each vacuum line to be sure that it is connected or plugged. If it feels loose, hard, or is otherwise suspect, replace the line and then again check with the aerosol spray. You may sometimes find that the entire rough idling problem is not the carburetor but just an open vacuum line.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

What Causes Gasoline to Drip Out of Your Carburetor

The carburetor is where the fuel mixes with the air to be burnt. Carburetors are on almost all types of combustion engines. When an engine sits for a long period of time without being ran, the fuel will start to break down. Make sure you replace the fuel in your tank before you start your engine after cleaning the carburetor otherwise you will just recreate your troubles.
A tiny piece of dirt is most likely stuck in the needle and seat of the float valve, preventing the valve from fully seating. Or else your float valve may need to re re-adjusted, or replaced (due to wear on the needle valve and seat), to lower your fuel level in the carburetor float bowl.
However, I'd like to give you a bit more background on this important question. I used to think that the float valve in the carburetor operated like the float valve in the tank of a toilet: i.e., when water in the tank got low (as in after flushing), the valve would open until the tank filled and then close again. However, it is important to realize that (unlike our toilet tanks) the needle in the carburetor float valve is always closed. What varies is the pressure that the carburetor float exerts on the needle: relatively high as the fuel level increases, and relatively low as the fuel level decreases.
This means that the fuel pressure (on the inlet side of the valve) is in constant equilibrium with the pressure exerted by the needle (on the carburetor side of the valve), so that a very constant level is maintained in the float chamber.
To help prevent this problem from happening, again. It's a good idea to put a good inline fuel filter between your gas tank and carburetors that keeps your fuel system very clean going to your carburetor's float valve and seat, which also prevents having other problems in your carburetor, too.
In addition to dirt causing the valves to stick open, I have seen a few cases where the brass seat of the float valve needs to be polished (smoothed out) by pressing and rotating a short pointed hardwood dowel into its small orifice. Dowels of 3/16” diameter work well. I have even had to clean up brand new seats in this fashion before they would stop leaking.

Gasket set or carb rebuild kit (recommended) more information about Carburetor seat valve, you are suggested to visit

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to Replace a Faucet Valve Seat

Leaking faucets can be a serious problem that could end up costing your household a great deal of money, but with new and cleaned faucet valve seats and other parts.
Before conducting any work on the faucet valve seat, it is important to first examine the valve stem. Homeowners should check the threads on the stem and the stem washer for any signs of wear or tear, as this is often a problem related to leaking faucets. If the stem and the stem washer are in good shape, then it is a very clear sign that the faucet valve seat needs replacement.
In some cases, water erosion and damage can leave the faucet valve seat stripped and incompatible with a faucet seat wrench. Fortunately, even when dealing with a stripped faucet seat, removing it is still an easy task that requires common household tools and no plumbing experience.
Stripped Faucet Seat Procedures
1 Apply a small amount of penetrating oil around the faucet seat and let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes
2 Locate a screwdriver that is larger than the stripped hole in the center
3 Place the screwdriver vertically over the seat hole and strike its handle with a hammer
Make sure to apply enough force to drive the blade of the screwdriver about halfway into the stripped hole
4 Using an adjustable wrench, tightly grasp a part of the blade that is extending from the hole
5 Holding the adjustable wrench with one hand the screwdriver handle with the other, twist both hands sharply in a counterclockwise direction to loosen it.
Want to get more Faucet Valve Seat information and more about Motorcycle Carburetor information,Please go to

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Functions of Different Automobile Carburetor Parts

Automobiles are frequently can be apparent in our circadian life. With the development of the abridgement and the advance of people's superior of life, added and added humans accept to buy cars for their own usage. Therefore, auto plays a added and added important role in our society.
There is no agnosticism that automobiles abide of circuitous subsystems that plan calm to accommodate able and reliable transportation. Many altered locations accept altered functions and performance. Some of them are absolutely accustomed to us.
Among all the auto parts, engine is the a lot of important. Its appropriate achievement leads to the acceptable action of the automobiles. It can run on advanced array of fuels such as gasoline, agent fuel, and booze and so on. But do you apperceive how does it work? It takes air from the assimilation amplitude and ammunition from the carburetor or ammunition injectors and compresses it central the cylinder. Then the atom plugs fire, igniting the air/fuel admixture and banishment the agent down in the cylinder, which turns the crankshaft.
In accession to the engine, the drive arbor is aswell a all-important allotment as to the accomplished car. It cooperates able-bodied with the chiral to accomplish the effects. Generally, the drive arbor takes the ability from the chiral and channels it to the tires, which in about-face actuate the vehicle. And the chiral can yield the ability generated by the engine at the crankshaft and relays it to the drive axle. These locations plan calm to drive cars.
As to the transmission, it can be added disconnected into chiral or automated models. The aloft blazon is one in which the disciplinarian selects apparatus through the use of a about-face batten and catch pedal in the commuter compartment. While the closing one can about-face through advanced apparatus by itself, and the disciplinarian alone needs to baddest amid drive (forward) and reverse. Obviously, it is added acceptable if compared to the aloft one. Thus, the automated models are added and added accepted a allotment of humans in contempo years.
The locations mentioned aloft are mainly acclimated to advance the auto forward. However, what allotment do you charge if you wish to stop it? The acknowledgment is the anchor system. It uses the ability of hydraulic aqueous to alteration the force the disciplinarian applies to the anchor pedal to a anchor force that slows the vehicle. Then the anchor pedal is absorbed to a adept butt that pumps anchor aqueous through animate and elastic curve to anniversary wheel. At anniversary wheel, the caliper armament anchor pads to catch down on the rotor, a ample animate disc that is absorbed to the wheel. This causes the car to apathetic down. is a company in the industry of mechanical parts. zjautoparts aggregates the trade leads in this area.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Jetting Basic and Pilot Jet of Carburetor

Generally speaking, carburetion for any automotive application is fairly complex. Therefore, to understand the working principle of the carburetor is not an easy work. Fortunately, this time we will separately introduce carburetor piece by piece. In this article, we will give you a basic understanding of the jetting basic and pilot jet inside the carburetor.
As a matter of fact, there are 4 main circuits used to optimize gasoline delivery and therefore engine performance. You might adjust the air screw, adjust the jet needle's clip position or exchanging the pilot jet, main jet, throttle valve or jet needle for one of an appropriate size to achieve the correct stoic metric ratio. In general, the stoic metric ratio for 4 stroke engines is 14.7:1 (14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel) although some people believe going rich or lean at certain points can aid performance. To some extent, going as rich as 12:1 can be beneficial to acceleration, and going down to 15/16:1 can aid fuel economy at idle revs. However, this is all dependent on the engine, even 2 identical engines could require different settings to achieve the relative best performance.
Generally, the different jets in a carburetor are targeted at specific throttle openings. But none act independently, this helps to achieve a smooth power delivery, but plays havoc on the tuner in some instances. See below for a list what the jets are targeted at.
The air screw is most effective between idle through 1/8 throttle. The pilot (slow) jet is most effective between 1/8 through 1/4 throttle. The slide valve is most effective between 1/8 through 1/2 throttle The jet needle is most effective between 1/4 through 3/4 throttle. The main jet is most effective between 3/4 through wide-open throttle.
On the other hand, the pilot jet, also known as slow circuit, can be adjusted by either swapping the pilot jet for a smaller or larger jet, or by adjusting the air screw which controls the flow of air into the circuit. Usually turning the air screw in (clockwise) will richen the mixture (reduce the amount of air) and vice versa.
The air screw is perfect for fine tuning the pilot circuit. The pilot jet determines the flow of gasoline entering the cylinder at idle revs. Pilot jets have a precisely machined hole running through their center which gasoline passes through. With all jets, we need to remember that the bigger numbered jets will richen the mixture.If you want to get more carburetor information ,please go to

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Motorcycle Carburetor Fuel-Injector Types

Automobiles are commonly can be seen in our daily life. With the development of the economy and the improvement of people's quality of life, more and more people choose to buy cars for their own usage.
Automotive fuel-injectors assume to be all the aforementioned but they alter in shape, admeasurement and accommodation to breeze fuel.
The a lot of accepted injector is the top-feed type. There are o-ring injectors that are usually amid in a brownish or artificial ammunition rail. Another affectionate is the rubber-hose injector.
In this blazon of injector a elastic corrupt is anon absorbed to the injector inlet.
There are basically two blazon of side-feed injectors. The aboriginal blazon of injector is acclimated in MPFI (Multi-Port Fuel-Injection) systems. This injector fits central the ammunition rail. The second, is acclimated in TBI (Throttle-Body Injection) systems and usually fits central an injector pod. TBI systems are usually abashed with cyberbanking carburetors.
This is not the case. TBI are full-electronic EFI (Electronic Fuel-Injection) systems. They use injectors as against to carburetors that await on burden differential, venturi, jets, metering rods, ability valves, chokes, floats, etc.
TBI EFI uses none of these. The alone affinity is that ammunition is discharged, and campaign through, the assimilation manifold.
Direct fuel-injection is a fuel-injection technology that allows gasoline engines to use ammunition added efficiently, consistent in college ability levels, cleaner emissions, and added fuel-economy.
In a accepted MPFI arrangement (whether accumulation or consecutive fire) ammunition is sprayed appear the assimilation valve in the butt arch ports. This after-effects in a added absolute fuel-metering compared with the antecedent TBI setup.
Motorcycle Carburetor Direct Fuel-Injection goes a footfall added by agreement the injector anon in the agitation chamber, just like a spark-plug. Gone are the canicule of 43psi of fuel-pressure back a absolute fuel-injection arrangement uses pressures as top as 2500psi. This top ammunition burden is all-important to affected centralized butt burden in systems that meters ammunition during the compression achievement (very agnate to a agent engine).

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Simple Way to Get A Carburetor

As a matter of fact,in the 1980s, all cars were equipped motorcycle carburetor in their engines. However, the majority of modern cars today are fitted with electronic fuel injection and engine control units to manage the fuel efficiency. Well, though seldom used in cars nowadays, as a pioneer in controlling fuel consumption in vehicles, carburetor surely has its own advantages. This article will give you a brief introduction of carburetor and where to find one if necessary.
First of all, you need to know what are carburetors. Generally speaking, carburetors are mechanical devices that blend air and fuel into a fine mist that is drawn into an internal combustion engine to be used as energy. Depending on the amount of air being drawn into the engine, the carburetor makes use of air pressure differentials within the engine to draw an amount of fuel into the engine. This is a vacuum principle that based on the Bernoulli Principle which states that the faster air moves, the lower its static pressure and the higher its dynamic pressure. In layman's terms, air rushes in to fill a vacuum, as the air goes into the engine, air pressure in the narrowest part of the carburetor is even lower, drawing in fuel from the narrow area, creating what is called a venture effect. And it is the speed of air entering the engine that determines the amount of fuel sucked into the engine. Engine throttles directly control the amount of air, and indirectly the amount of fuel entering the engine.
In general, one might need a carburetor for various reasons. Very often, in the case of old cars and bikes, the need is greater since availability is less. Newer vehicles usually do not have carburetors. Like any other part of a car or a mechanical instrument, the carburetor also undergoes wear and tear and needs replacement. There are many places where carburetors are available. However, where to get the one best suited to your needs could pose a problem. Here are some tips on how to go about it
The first thing that you need to know is why you need a carburetor. If the vehicle is relatively new, one can buy your carburetors direct from the factory and save a lot of money. Furthermore, the chances of getting original carburetors are better. One can also try for carburetors at the local auto parts store. However, these would be more expensive than factory direct carburetors or those that are available on the Internet. We all know that Internet is always a good place for anything.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to Rebuild Marine Carburetor

Generally, troubleshooting and rebuilding a marine engine carburetor can be a daunting task to most people, but by following some simple rules and procedure you can do this task on your own without the help of any professional or expert. Here are some easy to do procedures that anyone can perform given a little extra free time, a tool box and some floor space to work on. First, plan out your rebuilding or repairing process and then acquire the tools that you might need for the job.
Usually, you will need a pair of pliers, some machine oil, a clean cloth for cleaning and wiping stains, a carburetor cleaning solution or detergent soap, a wire brush, and a set of tipped wrenches. Remove the carburetor piece by piece: throttle linkage, choke linkage, fuel lines, flame arrester, and probably some wires or non critical pieces connected to the chassis. Take note of the steps you have taken because you will be doing a backtrack after you have finished replacing the damaged part and will be reassembling the carburetor. One thing to be cautious about is removing the fuel line, if not properly handled, the fuel line can rupture or be dislodged and fuel that is still inside the engine would leak out.
Then, when each of the elements happen to have been taken out, it's time to pick the remaining carburetor off the intake manifold. Here, a good set of wrenches will be the preference equipment for removing the carburetor nuts and bolts. Remove the necessary nuts and bolts. Be very careful not to drop anything under the exposed intake port because this can be very detrimental to your carburetor and engine. After removing the carburetor, you then can clear out the old mounting gasket. You might have to wash the gasket mating service with a wire brush or removing tool and some cleaning solution or highly alkaline laundry soap, but be careful not to mar the outer rim. Also put a rag on the opening of the intake to clear out any debris.
What is more, before replacing your damaged component, be sure to check out first if the spare part matches exactly the part to be replaced. Try to see examples of a rebuilt marine carburetor which will give you a clearer picture. Once it is verified, you can feel free to re-installing your disassembled carburetor.Click to get more information.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Guide of Carburetor Adjustment

Generally speaking, a two cycle engine has a complete power cycle in the two piston strokes, say, the upper stroke and the down stroke. The upper cycle compresses the fuel mixture and ignites it at the stroke top. It is exhausted when the down stroke begins. While a new fuel mixture gets introduced at the bottom of the down stoke into the cylinder and the cycle begins all over again. Recently, a 2-cycle carburetor tends to be common in small engines, for example, you can find these motorcycle carburetor in snowmobiles, boat motors, lawn trimmer, etc.
However, carburetors need to be adjusted regularly. Then, why? First of all, the screws will get loose over the time. On the other hand, fuel mixtures also make slight changes to the trimmer head. Considering that the settings of the carburetor affect trimmer performance, the right adjustments needs to be made to guarantee the performance. Besides, the adjustment ensures a smooth running of the engine and it should also be coupled with cleaning at the same time since a clogged air filter and deposits within the carburetor could also greatly affect the performance of the engine.
Unlike what many people might think, the adjustment actually is not that hard. It sure might seem challenging at first, but using the right carburetor adjustment tool, you will not need a mechanic or an engine expert to do the work with you. The following is the guide of the adjustment of a carburetor.
Step 1: Identity the high speed and idle screws on the carburetor. They are labeled H and L so this should really not be hard for you to identify. You will also see the third screw marked T and this is the throttle screw which determines how fast the unit idles when the carburetor has been adjusted.
Step 2: Ensure that the H and L screws are completely closed before you then open them two turns each using your carburetor adjustment tool.
Step 3: Crank the motor and let the unit warm up, then turn the choke lever to have the unit running. You might need to open the unit by depressing the throttle.
Step 4 - With the unit idling by itself, slowly turn the idle screw in till your unit starts dying, then stop the turning and back the screw out at least to a quarter or half turn to the suitable position.
Step 5: Holding the throttle wide open, slowly start turning the high speed screw in until you can hear your engine beginning to smoothen out and to rev high. Back the screw out again when the engine starts pitching until the unit starts slowing down or running rough. Let the high speed screw remain in the middle of the high and low point you have found. You can easily tell the best point by being keen on where the unit runs smoothly.

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Rebuild Carburetors

The carburetor is one of the most important parts in automobile engines. The carburetor ensures the right mix of gasoline and air in the engine so that the engine functions correctly. Though very few car manufacturers use carburetors these days because of alternative fuel injection technology, there are many people who still prefer to service the carburetors in their old cars. Carburetors are also used in lawnmowers, bikes, boats, and some light aircraft.
Rebuilding a carburetor is like the final exam prior to graduating for car enthusiasts. Many people who are interested in cars and work on engines will rebuild carburetor at one point in their lives. However, there are many things you must remember before attempting to disassemble and rebuild a carburetor.
Carburetors are rebuilt professionally using original equipment cores. They are tested individually and can be delivered within 4-6 weeks. Most manufacturers provide rebuilt carburetors that comply with the emission standards of all the 50 states in the US. Rebuilt carburetors come with base gaskets and a full warranty for manufacturing defects for 90 days or 3,000 miles, whichever is earlier. Most manufacturers limit the guarantee to repair or replacement of any faulty unit. Losses over the cost of the carburetor or damage to the vehicle because of the carburetor are not covered under the warranty.
Rebuilding carburetors involves disassembling the carburetor and other related components in the fuel system. These parts are cleaned with a carburetor cleaner. Then the spoiled or broken parts are replaced using new parts from a carburetor kit. Rebuilt carburetors do not include brackets, idle solenoid, air cleaner studs, mounting bolts, or heat baffle plates.
The most important step when dealing with attempting to rebuild a carburetor is to make sure that you are working in a well lit, as well as clean, working area. This is because the carburetor parts are very small and can easily be lost. When disassembling the carburetor, you will need to pay extra attention as to where each part goes, and how every part came off. You should also take note that these parts, such as the springs attached to the carburetor's linkage, can easily be damaged. Special care is needed when attempting to disassemble this product.
Prior to putting the carburetor together, you should make sure that all of the parts are clean. By using a canned aerosol carburetor spray cleaner you should be able to clean off the parts thoroughly. Use this spray cleaner to clean every part of the carburetor. However, you should be very careful when using the canned aerosol automotive carburetor spray. The contents of the can are highly flammable.
It is very important to make sure that all the parts of the carburetor are clean and free of contaminants. Do not clean the parts with a wire cleaner, due to the fact that it can misalign the calibrated parts within the carburetor.
Carburetors provides detailed information on Carburetors, Carburetor Kits, Rebuilt Carburetors, Carburetor Parts and more.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Two Different Types of Motorcycle Carburetor

Generally speaking, there are two types of carburetor parts, fixed choke and constant depression. The former one makes the varying air pressure in the venture alter the fuel flow. While the later type vary the airflow to change the fuel jet opening which in turn altars the fuel flow. A vacuumed operated piston connected to a tapered needle, which slides inside the fuel jet, does this. And the most common variable choke type carburetor is the side draft SU carburetor, which is simple in principle to adjust and maintain.
Although the differences between the two types of carburetors are extensive, the main function of these two are same. They all need to measure the airflow of the engine at any time, and then deliver the correct amount of fuel to keep the fuel and air mixture perfect and then mix the fuel and air evenly. A carburetor must provide the proper fuel and air mixture under a wide variety of different circumstances. Besides, engine speed range, random events could affect the performance of the carburetor, for example, when you accelerating, or waiting at a red light, etc. In addition, most carburetors contain a complex set of mechanism which called circuit to support several different operating modes.
You know, if the car has electronic controlled injection intake instead of a carburetor, it will automatically adjust the intake depending on previous programmed numbers and algorithms provided by the manufacturer. A carburetor on the other hand will usually not have any computer components, thus making the fuel and air mixture controlling purely mechanical. Also an injection intake will separate the air from the fuel allowing it to inject them independently from each other, while the carburetor will accomplish both simultaneously as the throttle is opened.
In addition, another significant difference between a carburetor and an injection is the way it is utilized when cold starting an engine. When the engine is cold, fuel vaporizes less readily and tends to condense on the walls of the intake manifold, starving the cylinders of fuel and making the engine difficult to start. Therefore, a richer mixture (more fuel to air) is required to start and run the engine until it warms up. You know, in an injection engine a computer will control this automatically, but again the carburetor has to do this manually.
All in all, everything has its own advantages and disadvantages, you can fairly choose the one base on your needs.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to Maintain Marine Carburetors parts

If you own a marine, obviously you want to preserve the functionality and efficiency of your marine carburetor, therefore, maintaining it regularly becomes so important. In general, the most common problem is that the oil that remained turns into a gel that hardly dissolves in new gas, as a result, it must be mechanically removed with the help of a carburetor cleaner. Before you can actually clean your carburetor, you have to remove it first from the engine, than disassemble it for cleaning.
You will then need to unscrew the large brass screw of the fuel bowl from the side of each carburetor bank with the use of flat screwdriver in order to drain the remaining fuel from the carburetor. Pay attention, you have to use a clean rag in order to absorb the draining fuel from the carburetor bowl. Also, you have to be very careful in removing this screw because a steel screwdriver can easily deform, damage and destroy the head of the screw. Besides, you need to remove the screws of the fuel bowl, then lift it up. And the main jet need to be removed with the use of a screwdriver. During the process, you have to be very careful so as not to damage the orifice.
Now you have to clean the jets using a pick or torch tool. You need to remove most of the jets if not all of the oil turned into gel and then wash them so all the remaining residue will be removed as well. Rinse the bowl when all the gel has been removed already. Next, put on your safety goggles and blow through the fuel pathways with the aid of compressed air and an air nozzle to fully remove any gel that might have been left. When you have ensured that it is entirely free of any gel residue, spray cleaner through the jets on the body of the carburetor. Observe if the carburetor cleaner is coming out of the port to ensure an unblocked air pathway. Now shoot compressed air and carburetor cleaner through the pilot and main fuel tubes in the body. You also have to check if the cleaner is coming out of the port. Re-install each of the jets, and tighten them securely with a small screwdriver or a jet driver. Blow all remaining traces of carburetor cleaner, gel or debris from the carburetor body and fuel bowl. Then you can put back the fuel bowls on the carburetor body and re-install the bowl screws. Tighten the screws securely. Finally, re-install the drain screws and tighten it securely with a screwdriver.Read more to

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Differences Between Motorcycle Carburetor and Fuel Injection

As far as we know, motorcycle carburetor is now gradually replaced by fuel injection in cars, however, it still plays important role in some small engines. Well, is fuel injection totally better than carburetor? To answer this question, this article will make a comparison between carburetor and fuel injection.

Actually, the main difference between fuel injection and a carburetor in an engine is fuel economy. In an automobile with a computer controlled fuel and firing system, the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder at just the right time. This atomized system helps in combustion by giving a more efficient and complete burn. Though carburetors have been around for a long period of time, and being improved over the years, there still is so much that can be done with design.

The carburetor has an intricate design of reservoirs, passages, jets, diaphragms and gaskets. In general, the float and needle regulate how much fuel is held in the reservoir. The air flowing through the throat into the intake creates a vacuum that draws the fuel from the reservoir, through jets, into the air, flowing into the intake manifold. The rush of air flowing through passages in the intake helps the fuel to mix with the air before it flows into any available cylinder. It all sounds good, and it is, but one cylinder gets a little more fuel and less air than another.

On the other hand, the fuel injection system is quite simple. Fuel is forced under pressure, through a fuel supply line to the injectors. The computer tells each injector when to open, and the fuel is then released into the cylinder. The fuel injector is made to atomize the fuel as it passes through, and the fuel which under pressure helps the atomization. Each cylinder virtually receives the same amount of fuel, which means the fuel is burned more completely thus increasing fuel economy.

Well, in addition to the fuel economy of the injectors, the computer control system also consists of several sensors that are strategically placed on the engine, that help the computer determine how much fuel to release into the cylinders. For example, the oxygen sensor, which is placed in the exhaust, tells the computer how much oxygen, as well as other gases, is in the exhaust, and it adjusts the fuel injected into the cylinder to produce the correct balance of exhaust gases. Overall, the carburetor or the fuel injection system will work sufficiently to power the vehicle, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, you can just choose the one you like or best suitable for you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How does Motorcycle Carburetors Work on Engine

Motorcycle carburetor work by mixing the right amount of gasoline with air so that the engine runs properly. Most carburetors used on motorcycles also use a throttle plate to regulate the airflow inside the motorcycle's engine.
It should be noted that the number of spark plugs a motorcycle has is determined by how many cylinders are on the bike. Most dirt bikes have one cylinder while most street bikes have two or four.
In summary, then, here's how it all works:
Air flows into the top of the carburetor from the car's air intake.
When the engine is first started, the choke (blue) can be set so it almost blocks the top of the pipe to reduce the amount of air coming in (increasing the fuel content of the mixture entering the cylinders).
In the center of the tube, the air is forced through a narrow kink called a venturi. This makes it speed up and causes its pressure to drop.
The drop in air pressure creates suction on the fuel pipe (right), drawing in fuel (orange).
The throttle (green) is a valve that swivels to open or close the pipe. When the throttle is open, more air and fuel flows to the cylinders so the engine produces more power and the car goes faster.
The mixture of air and fuel flows down into the cylinders.
Fuel (orange) is supplied from a mini-fuel tank called the float-feed chamber.
As the fuel level falls, a float in the chamber falls and opens a valve at the top.
When the valve opens, more fuel flows in to replenish the chamber from the main gas tank. This makes the float rise and close the valve again.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Simple Ways to Rebuild Motorcycle Carburetors

Next, use suitable containers for carburetor parts including screws, gaskets, and even the carburetors themselves, thus, the pieces can be relocated back to where they were removed. Remember never cross parts as some carburetors will have different components that appear the same or even components that wear evenly but will only work with their original carburetor. And never disassemble more than one carburetor at one time, you must care of all parts.
Cleaning all the parts entirely with a good spray cleaner. Wear chemical resistant gloves and clean any debris found including varnish or oil. But do not use an automotive type carburetor soak, because it can damage internal parts on a carburetor. Besides, some motors have internal seals and parts that will not be disassembled or retrieved easily and the soak may dissolve those causing a malfunction. You have to take time to clean every corner and hole found to ensure all passengers are clear. Be aware no second chances are given here once you re-install it.
What is more, locate a suitable carburetor kit for replacement parts. A quick inspection of the float should be made to determine whether it needs replaced as well as most kits do not include a float assembly and must be purchased separately. Make sure the kit has parts that look virtually identical and also make sure of any parts missed during dis-assembly which require replacement. You should always purchase a new kit whenever possible during cleaning as sometimes carburetors can be disassembled just for cleaning but if any gaskets are damaged they must be replaced.
If necessary, replace parts from the kit. And take note of a few key components to any carburetor rebuild. In fact, what is called the needle and seat is a brass insert and a small pin which sometimes with a rubber tip but always pointed that sits below the float assembly. The needle is usually attached to the float assembly by a clip and moves in and out as the float moves. The needles can stick in the seats causing a lean condition or fail to close completely causing a flooding condition. Then, no matter what the problems, the needle and sear should always be replaced when possible. You need to make sure to replace all seals and gaskets and any new parts included in the kit.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Diagnose Motorcycle Carburetor Problems

Before attempting to fix a motorcycle carburetor problem, it is very important to come up with the correct diagnosis.
Carburetors are relatively simple devices. Their primary function is to deliver the correct amount of fuel/air mixture at a given throttle opening (as selected by the rider). However, as with all mechanical devices, carburetors will wear over time and will also require periodic tuning and service.
Hesitation is a classic symptom of a lean fuel mixture (too much air, not enough fuel) and can be caused by a dirty or misadjusted carburetor, or one with a weak accelerator pump or worn throttle shafts. Rebuilding or replacing the carburetor may be necessary.
The accelerator pump squirts and extra dose of fuel into the throat of the carburetor when the throttle opens. This helps offset the extra gulp of air that is sucked in until fuel flow through the metering circuits can catch up to the change in air velocity through the venturi (the narrow part of the carburetor throat). The accelerator pump may use a rubber diaphragm or a rubber cup on a piston to pump fuel through its discharge nozzles. If the diaphragm is torn or the piston piston seal is worn, the accelerator pump may not deliver it's normal dose of fuel. Or, if the discharge nozzles are plugged with dirt or fuel varnish deposits, it can restrict fuel flow.
The operation of the accelerator pump can be checked by removing the air filter, looking down into the carburetor, and pumping the throttle. You should see a jet of fuel squirt into each of the front venturis (barrels) of the carburetor. If no fuel squirts out, or the stream is very weak, or only one of the two discharge nozzles on a two-barrel or four-barrel carburetor are working, the accelerator pump circuit has a problem.
Fuel usually enters the accelerator pump past a one-way steel check ball. The ball lets fuel in, but is pushed back against its seat by pressure inside the pump when the throttle opens. If this check ball is stuck open, it acts like a pressure leak and prevents the accelerator pump from squirting fuel through the discharge nozzles. If the check ball is stuck shut, it will prevent fuel from entering the pump and there will be no fuel to pump through the discharge nozzles.
If the carburetor jets are coated with fuel varnish deposits, or there is dirt inside the fuel bowl, this can restrict the flow of fuel causing a lean condition. Cleaning the carburetor with carburetor cleaner can get rid of the dirt and varnish deposits to restore normal operation.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Motorcycle Carburetor Kits are Necessary

Obviously, Motorcycle carburetor is one of the most important components in automobile engines. The function of it is to ensure that there is a right mix of gasoline and air in the engine so that the engine functions properly. You know, either too much air or too much gasoline in the mixture will cause damage to the engine, therefore, a carburetor is very important in all stages of the engine functioning. However, carburetors are now gradually replaced by fuel injection systems in modern vehicles due to their low emission and fuel efficiency, and carburetors can only found in old cars, small engine automobiles, lawnmowers, etc.
Nevertheless, carburetor still has its own value. Generally speaking, a carburetor is just a tube with an adjustable plate called the throttle placed across it, and this throttle controls the amount of air that flows through the tube. The place where the carburetor narrows down is called venture, in which a vacuum is created. Then, there is a hole in this narrowing called the jet that allows the fuel to be drawn in because of the vacuum. Besides, the pilot, pilot airscrew, throttle valve, jet needle, air jet, and main jet are the components that allow the carburetor for its smooth functioning.
Carburetor kits are a complete set of carburetor pats that can be easily assembled and placed in an engine. Generally, these kits are pre-tested and pre-jetted. Most carburetor kits contain parts for replacing broken down parts within the carburetor, they can even be customized to fit the exact model of the carburetor. Because very few cars and small machines use carburetors these days, carburetor kits then play important roles to help to keep the old style engine running. Although not all carburetors are same, there are some common makes of carburetors for which kits are readily available at automotive dealers’ stores. Besides, kits for specialized carburetors are available at special automotive stores.
What is more, most manufacturers are now own their own websites to provide detailed information of their products and professional support. You can visit these websites to get more information. All in all, carburetor part are generally available as carburetor kits or repair kits rather than individually. Some of the parts are only sold in exchange for old parts. As for a carburetor, the main parts are integral chokes, heat riser tubes, divorced or remote chokes, choke pull-offs and dashpots, carburetor tags, and brass floats. Recently, with the development of technology, all kinds of parts from different models of carburetors can be provided from manufacturers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Symptoms of Incorrect Carburetor Float Height

carburetor float is that part of a gasoline engine which provides the mixture of gasoline and air that the engine burns. The carburetor must mix the gasoline with about 15 times its weight in air for the engine to run smoothly at all speeds. A driver controls the engine speed by increasing or reduction the flow of the fuel mixture.
Carburetors are called updraft or downdraft according to their position. If the carburetor is below the intake manifold's input, it is updraft. If it is above, it is a downdraft. The Zenith carburetor, which was used on the Model A, is an updraft.
The float chamber of the carburetor stores a small amount of gasoline, which is gravity-fed from the Model A fuel tank. When the carburetor bowl chamber is filled to the proper level, a float resting on top of the gasoline closes a valve restricting flow from the tank fuel line. As the engine consumes gasoline, the float drops. This opens the valve and lets more gasoline flow into the bowl chamber.
In an extreme case, if the floats are set too high, fuel will overflow via drillings inside the carb body. In addition, fuel may flow into the engine unrestricted, which, if the engine is not running, can cause hydraulic lock – that is, as the piston rises on the compression stroke it cannot compress the fuel.
If fuel is leaking from the carb, it can potentially cause a serious problem – fire. If the fuel height is too high but the bike is running, the engine will have a tendency to display a rich running condition, which will make the throttle response slow and the engine note muffled.
This condition is generally accompanied by a strong smell of unburnt fuel from the muffler. If the fuel height is too low, the engine will display a lean running condition, where the engine typically hesitates before accelerating or surges as the throttle is opened. The bike may also misfire when the throttle is closed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Functions of Motorcycle Carburetors

As far as we know, Motorcycle carburetor is a vehicle part where fuel is converted into vapor, and it is widely used in most gasoline vehicles. Nevertheless, with development and advancement of technology, a great deal of new vehicles do not have carburetors any more. Originally, carburetors were used in cars, however, they have been replaced by the electronic fuel injection technology recently. And now, they are widely used in smaller machinery, such as lawn mowers, chain saws, motorbikes, small boats, light aircraft, etc. Although the electronic fuel injection technology has various advantages like flexibility, reliability, and complexity, its higher cost makes carburetors a better choice for small engines.
For most laymen, the idea and construction of a carburetor may seen very complex, however, it actually is very simple. And regular check and maintain a motorcycle carburetor can ensure that the vehicle is performing in its peak condition. The basic principle upon which a carburetor functions is atmospheric pressure, which is the pressure that is exerted on anything and is around 15 pounds per square inch. A carburetor functions by varying the pressure between the engine and the carburetor.
In addition, there is a piston in a motorcycle that goes up (for a two-stoke engine) and goes down (on a four-stroke engine), and forms low pressure inside the crankcase causing the pressure outside to be higher. Because of this, air will continuously rush inside the carburetor until the pressure is equalized. This moving air picks up and gets mixed with vaporized fuel inside the carburetor that later burns due to the fire provided by the ignition, giving power to the vehicle.
Learning the basic principles of how a motorcycle carburetor functions can help one to keep it well tuned and functioning to its full capacity. A well maintained carburetor undoubtedly will burn fuel efficiently, and let out less exhaust and lead the vehicles to get better mileage.
You know, carburetors affect the performance of the engine as a whole. In addition to this, altitude, humidity, and air temperature will affect the engine performance as well. For example, a drop in temperatures means the cooler air will need more fuel to burn, while warm temperature ensures full performance of a motorcycle engine. Besides, with an increase in altitude, the air molecules decrease, causing the carburetor to require and consume more fuel. Humidity causes the same effect on the motorcycle carburetor and, as a result, on its end performance.
Since carburetor is an essential component in engine, which directly affect the engine performance, regularly checking and maintaining your motorcycle carburetor to keep it in its pristine condition is surely the first step to make sure that it runs well and is fuel efficient.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Operation and Main Part of A Carburetor

Carburetor Parts is an engine part in which fuel and air mixed. In the internal combustion engine, chemical energy from the fuel is burnt into a combustion chamber, and then, it transforms into mechanical energy which eventually powers the motor of a vehicle. However, before fuel and air is transformed into mechanical energy by an internal combustion engine, it must first pass through the carburetor for it to be utilized. It is in the carburetor where the fuel, usually liquid gasoline, is atomized or changed into liquid vapor.
Want to know more about carburetor? It is better to recognize its components in advance. Generally speaking, there is a cylindrical hollow tube encasement in the carburetor which called throat or barrel. And inside the barrel are pistons. These pistons are solid cylinder disks that slide back and forth in the barrel. And they fit snugly into the barrel to allow it to move freely while they are also tight enough not to let air or fluid leak in the barrel. Meanwhile, as the piston move downward, a partial vacuum is created inside the barrel. This partial vacuum then draws air past through the carburetor’s throat and into a nozzle that sprays fuel. Then, the mixture of air and fuel in the carburetor will be delivered into cylinders for combustion.
Besides, a throat valve, which is found at the base of the carburetor, controls the amount of air pulled through partial vacuum. In the process of driving, when the driver stepping on the accelerator or gas pedal to accelerate his vehicle, the throttle opens. The wider the throttle valve opens, the more air flows into the carburetor. So more fuel flows into the engine.
A passage way called venture is located as a carburetor’s barrel which looks like an hour glass when it narrows down. When air rushes through the narrow ends of a venture, the air pressure against the sides of the passage way decrease. With this, partial vacuum is created inside the barrel. This barrel vacuum then draws the fuel through the nozzle and into the air. And the pistons create partial vacuum to draw air while the venture is responsible for drawing partial vacuum to feed fuel into the nozzle.
The part where stores the fuel that entered the carburetor is called float chamber or float bowl. At its surface, a device that floats is linked to a small valve to keep a constant amount of fuel inside the float chamber. What is more, apart from the main nozzle, there are also two other nozzles at the venture of the carburetor, say, the idle port and the off-idle port. The idle port, found just below the venture, is responsible for getting fuel into the engine when there is minimal airflow in the carburetor. This happens when the engine is at a low speed. While the off-idle port, found above the idle port, feeds additional fuel to the engine during low engine speed.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Zjautoparts Tell You How Carburetor Work

Okay, so almost no new cars use  Carburetor Parts . Still, it's important to understand how engines got to where they are today. It all began with the good ol' carb. For a lot of you this is review, but if we want a new generation of car enthusiasts to care about cars, it can't hurt to explain how they actually work. ­T­he goal of a carburetor is to mix just the right amount of gasoline with air so that the engine runs properly. If there is not enough fuel mixed with the air, the engine "runs lean" and either will not run or potentially damages the engine. If there is too much fuel mixed with the air, the engine "runs rich" and either will not run (it floods), runs very smoky, runs poorly (bogs down, stalls easily), or at the very least wastes fuel. The carb is in charge of getting the mixture just right.
Carburetors alter absolutely a bit in architecture and complexity. The simplest accessible one is about a ample vertical air aqueduct aloft the engine cylinders with a accumbent ammunition aqueduct abutting assimilate one side. As the air flows down the pipe, it has to canyon through a attenuated coil in the middle, which makes it acceleration up and causes its burden to fall. This kinked area is alleged a venturi. The falling burden of the air creates a sucking aftereffect that draws air in through the ammunition aqueduct at the side.
To optimize engine performance, engineers wish to ensure that abundant air is alloyed with gasoline so that all of the gas burns during combustion. Such a admixture area all of the ammunition is austere is accepted as a stoichiometric mixture. Maintaining a stoichiometric admixture allows engines to yield best advantage of gasoline's top activity body (34 mega Joules per liter). If not abundant air is provided, the engine will run rich, generally consistent in poor ammunition abridgement and atramentous smoke departure the tailpipe. If there is too abundant air alloyed with the fuel, the engine runs lean, bearing beneath ability and added heat.
Though abounding see carburetors as bewitched accessories that abode all sorts of voodoo, a carburetor is about just a tube through which filtered air flows from the automobile’s air intake. Within this tube, there is a narrowing, or a venturi, area a exhaustion is created. There is a baby aperture in the absorption alleged a jet which is fed ammunition via the float chamber. The float alcove is a alembic abounding with an bulk of ammunition that is set by a float. The exhaustion created in the venturi draws in ammunition from the float chamber, which is at ambient pressure. The faster the filtered air comes in through the carburetor throat, the lower the burden in the venturi. This leads to a college burden aberration amid the venturi and the float chamber, and appropriately added ammunition flows out of the jet and mixes with the airstream.
Downstream of the jet, there is a burke valve that opens if the accelerator pedal is engaged. This burke valve restricts how abundant air enters the carburetor. If you advance the gas pedal all the way down, the burke valve opens fully, acceptance air to breeze added bound through the carburetor, creating a bigger exhaustion in the venturi, sending added ammunition into the engine, creating added power. At idle, the burke valve is absolutely shut, but there is an dabbling jet that bypasses the burke valve and sends a set bulk of ammunition and air into the engine. Without an dabbling jet, the engine would shut off if the burke were not activated by the disciplinarian during idle.
What about that little batten you see in old cars? Well, that's the choke. The point of the asphyxiate is to accommodate the engine with a affluent ammunition admixture at alpha up. If you cull the asphyxiate lever, you abutting the asphyxiate valve and bind the breeze of air at the carburetor entrance. This makes the engine run rich. Once the car has broiled up, advance the asphyxiate aback in and let your engine shoot for that abracadabra stoichiometric ratio.
In summary, then, here's how it all works:
Air flows into the top of the carburetor from the car's air intake.
When the engine is first started, the choke (blue) can be set so it almost blocks the top of the pipe to reduce the amount of air coming in (increasing the fuel content of the mixture entering the cylinders).
In the center of the tube, the air is forced through a narrow kink called a venturi. This makes it speed up and causes its pressure to drop.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Functions of Piston Rings

A piston ring is a sliding seal. It performs a number of functions. The exact nature of those functions depends upon the design of the ring and the application of the machine into which the ring is fitted. In a diesel engine, the main functions of the compression rings are:
Functions of piston rings :
1. Sealing the combustion chamber to prevent transfer of gases from combustion chamber to the crank.
2. Regulating the engine oil consumption.
3. Support heat transfer from the piston to cylinder walls.
The three fundamental elements of cylinder rings in responding motors are :
1. Fixing the burning chamber so that there is no exchange of gasses from the ignition chamber to the wrench.
2. Supporting warmth exchange from the cylinder to the barrel divider.
3. Directing motor oil consumption.
The crevice in the cylinder ring packs to a couple of thousandths of an inch when inside the barrel bore. Cylinder rings are a central point in distinguishing if a motor is two stroke or four stroke. Three cylinder rings recommend that it is a four stroke motor while two cylinder rings propose that it is a two stroke motor.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to Remedy Your Stopping Leaking Float Needle Valve

Why is Motorcycle Carburetor  leaking fuel from bowl hose? Do you know what causes gasoline to drip out of the over flow tube of your carburetor?
The short answer is that a tiny piece of dirt is most likely stuck in the needle and seat of the float valve, preventing the valve from fully seating. Or else your float valve may need to re re-adjusted, or replaced (due to wear on the needle valve and seat), to lower your fuel level in the carburetor float bowl.
Even if there is no dirt in there, a metal-to-metal seal is not going to be dead tight. If you don't turn off the fuel at the petcock, the constant downward pressure of gravity will cause gas to seep past the needle valve and fill up the bowl if the engine is not running. You can get a bit of overflow seepage even under the best case if the petcock is ON. The moral is to always turn off the petcock when you park it or you may see a puddle of gas on the ground.
A good way to quickly flush off the carburetor float needle valves and seats, if one starts leaking, unexpectedly, without having to remove the carburetor float bowl drain screws, if it's on a motorcycle that has a fuel petcock that can be manually turned to the off position..
Turn the gas tank petcock valve off, if you have one, while the motorcycle is running, until the engine runs out of gas.
Then, turn the gas tank petcock valve open, again.. the gasoline will gush into the carburetors.. which will flush off the carburetor float needle valves and seats, with a flow of fresh gas, as the carburetor float bowls are refilling to reach their fuel level, again.
This method is meant, only, as a temporary on the road remedy procedure for helping you to try and stop your needle valve from leaking, to try and get you out of your predicament, if you don't have access to a screw driver, at the time, for removing your carburetor float bowl drain screws, which would be the preferred method, if you have the opportunity to do so.
Otherwise, try this procedure as mentioned, as you wouldn't have anything to loose, if your carburetor float needle valve is leaking bad, while your on the road.. as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.. then later as soon, as you have access to using a screw driver.. remove your carburetor float bowls drain screws and drain your fuel system thoroughly.
Some good advice to consider would be to install a good inline fuel filter, instead of just relying on the gas tank's fuel filtering system, which on some motorcycles is only a filtering mesh screen on the fuel tank petcock.
It would be well worth your time and effort to install a good inline fuel filter between the gas tank petcock and the carburetor's fuel rail.. which will eliminate any minute microscopic particles from getting down to the carburetor's needle valves and seats.. and these minute particles may, also, accumulate in your carburetor's pilot jets and main jets causing more engine performance problems.. especially as small as the orifice is in the pilot jet.. they clog really easy from inadequately filtered fuel..
Anyone who has had carburetor problems, before, knows how frustrating it can be, if you've taken the time to have cleaned all the internals of your carburetors really good.. only to discover, often times, your motorcycle will run decent, again, for a short time, before your carburetor problems start, all over, again, invisible dirty fuel delivery system.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Benefits of Fix Carburetor Problems

A dirty carburetor can cause all sorts of nasty little problems for your vehicle and some that are very serious. So, here is a list of some of the ways cleaning your car's Motorcycle Carburetor float valve can be good for your vehicle.
A dirty carburetor prohibits the proper flow of fuel into your vehicle's engine. Dirt and grime in your car's carburetor will cause your engine to be starved for gas and also affect the combustion process which will result in lower fuel efficiency and will result in wasting gas that will cost you at the desktop. Occasionally cleaning the carburetor of your car will help you get more miles per gallon and save a few bucks on your gas bill.
Because a bedraggled carburetor prohibits able ammunition flow, dispatch is aswell badly impacted on the vehicle. Since the added ammunition bare to actuate the car faster can't bound breeze into the car's engine, achievement is impeded and the car does not advance as expected. So, befitting your carburetor apple-pie will consistently accomplish abiding that your car is assuming at its best.
When A bedraggled carburetor makes it harder for ammunition to breeze into the engine of your vehicle, the car's engine can be actual harder to alpha - abnormally on algid mornings or afterwards the car has been sitting a while. Making abiding that the carburetor in your car is apple-pie will beggarly that your car's engine consistently has an able breeze of ammunition bare to alpha the car quickly.
Your carburetor keeps your motorcycle or ATV active at its aiguille efficiency. If it gets decidedly dirty, it will actively affect your machine’s achievement – to the point breadth it may stop alive appropriately altogether. What do you do if you acquisition yourself in this predicament? Apple-pie it.
Before alive on a carburetor, you accept to accede a amount of precautions. Assurance is the aboriginal concern. Not alone accept to assurance glasses be worn, but assurance gloves should be acclimated at all times, as chemicals aural gasoline can could cause affliction to the skin.
Another anticipation is to accept the plan breadth ablaze and clean. Cleanliness is important if adventure all archetypal motorcycle automated work, but is decidedly important if ambidextrous with carburetors.
A carburetor is a complicated component of your machine, so you might feel intimidated removing it and giving it a proper cleaning. Don’t be! As long as you go through the process step by step, there’s no reason why you can’t clean your carburetor yourself. In next article you will see the deatail of fix carburetor problems, pease focus on!

Monday, March 14, 2016

What is Main Nozzle

The main nozzle is an important component of air-jet looms, mainly consisting of the nozzle core, the nozzle housing, nozzles and other components. There are several main nozzle structure, which is the most common kind of combined nozzle.
Weft yarn from the yarn into the nozzle orifice, high pressure air from the inlet port into the annular gas chamber, forming a strong vortex, then rectified room, rectification chamber by the annular toothed slit nozzle between the core and the nozzle housing structure, its the annular toothed cutting slits act swirl, swirl it will be broken down into large scale cyclone plurality of small-scale, the vertical velocity of the fluid to the advancing direction of weakening, and the forward direction of the velocity component strengthened to achieve rectified purpose.
A main object of this invention is to provide a nozzle design which is capable of thoroughly mixing and dispersing the fuel and air mixture, in order that proper distribution to the engine will be attained.
A specific object of the invention is to provide a novel nozzle and carburetor structure in which the nozzle is easily manufactured and adaptable to be inserted into the main Well chamber of the carburetor.

Sectional abbreviating arrangement afterlight alcove character admittance is based on the requirements of the architecture breeze rate, gas breeze at B affiliated into a bland tube articulation BC, from the yarn of the character assimilation aperture in this aqueduct is accelerated accelerated air stream, to access the all-important acceleration out of the cascade into the reed canal C flight. In the capital bill B, the proposed agreement of airflow changeless burden lower than atmospheric burden at the basin yarn adviser hole, abrogating furnishings of the ambiance atmospheric stagnation yarn adviser aperture into the nozzle, is accessory to the character to enter.
Nozzle core in the nozzle housing out of position can be adjusted to change the cross-sectional area of the gas flow passages, changing the flow of the jet. zjautoparts‘products are exported to the USA, Japan, India, Taiwan, Brazil, etc. We provide high-quality products for the domestic foreign-invested enterprises and famous enterprises such as VW, Honda, Bosch, DENSO, AISIN, KEIHIN, TK, etc.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

How Do Motorcycle Carburetor Work

The application of carburetors is wide, on one hand, they can apply to automobiles such as cars, Motorcycle Carburetor, jet skis, boats, and even light aircraft. On the other hand, they can as well as used in small machinery including lawnmowers, chain saws, and other equipment. Besides, as an essential component in engines,carburetor plays an important role in helping in internal combustion for running the machinery.

By controlling the flow of air into the engine, the carburetor will influence the speed of the engine. And the main function of the carburetor is to ensure that a correct mixture of gasoline and air enter the engine. Since the engine is in different conditions at different time when in working, it is important to control the flow of gasoline and air enter it accordingly. The carburetor is always needed when the engine must be started cold, or when it is idling, slowing running, accelerating, moving at high speed or high power, or cruising.

The carburetor is composed of a tube with an adjustable plate call the “throttle” placed across it. This throttle is the component which controls the amount of air that flows through the tube. The place where the carburetor tube narrows down is called venture, and a vacuum is created in this place. And the hole in the narrowing called jet which allows the fuel to be drawn in because of the vacuum. When the throttle is parallel to the length of the tube, it is said to be full throttle. At this time, the airflow is at its highest, and will create more vacuums in the venture. Then the more vacuums will cause more gas to enter the tube, leading to the power increase of the engine. On the contrary, if the throttle plate is closed, the airflow into tube is reduced and the vacuum created in the venture will not enough to bring in enough fuel, then the engine is said to be idling. The shape of the carburetor causes changes in the air pressure in the engine, ensuring a good mix of fuel and air.

Besides, there are several parts in a carburetor that allow for smooth functioning, including the pilot, pilot air screw, throttle valve, jet needle, needle jet, air jet, and main jet. Moreover, the choke, accelerator pump, float chamber and barrel are all play important roles in the carburetor as well, they help to create the ideal mixture of gas and air in the engine.

Zjautoparts provide high-quality motorcycle accessories and employ a professional fleet for the production of carburetor seat  valve. Our products are exported to the USA, Japan, India, Taiwan, Brazil, etc. With scientific management and strict QC, we are able to provide you with the best grade products. We are looking forward to your support. Please be assured that we will do our best!